

MetaMask Adds Privacy-Preserving Security Alerts That Aim To Prevent Billions From Being Stolen

发布时间:2023-11-01 09:39

MetaMask, in collaboration with Blockaid, a leading web3 security provider, launches security alerts that help stop malicious transactions before they happen, protecting users from scams, phishing, and hacks.
MetaMask and Blockaid developed a privacy-preserving module to simulate transactions while removing the need for users to share data with third parties.
Blockaid was recently able to protect over $100,000 of assets from being stolen in a high-profile case involving a hack of Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin’s X account.
Based on previous trends, when available to 100% of the MetaMask users, these alerts aim to prevent billions worth of assets from being stolen.

FORT WORTH, Texas--()--Today, MetaMask, the world’s leading self-custody web3 platform developed by Consensys, and Blockaid, a leading web3 security provider, announce the launch of privacy-preserving security alerts in the MetaMask extension. This new feature makes MetaMask the first self-custody web3 wallet to integrate native security alerts, proactively preventing malicious transactions, protecting users from scams, phishing, and hacks, all while preserving users’ privacy. MetaMask and Blockaid estimate that these privacy-preserving security alerts, available to all users globally, aim to prevent billions worth of assets from being stolen. The official launch is slated to commence on October 31st, 2023, with the ability for desktop users to opt-in under the MetaMask experimental setting. The feature will debut on the MetaMask mobile app later in November. By the first quarter of 2024, this new feature will be seamlessly integrated and enabled into the wallet by default, and the intention is to make it available to 100% of MetaMask’s users.

The First Wallet To Enhance Security Without Compromising Privacy

Most web3 wallets rely on sharing users' transaction data with a third party for validation to provide security alerts. In contrast, MetaMask and Blockaid have pioneered a unique privacy-preserving module that effectively simulates transactions while eliminating the need to share every single transaction and signature request with external parties.

With these native privacy-preserving security alerts, MetaMask is not only enhancing user safety but also setting a new standard for privacy-preserving security in the web3 ecosystem. Privacy is a core value of web3 and should not need to be sacrificed to improve usability. Instead, it should be a guiding principle in the development of solutions to improve the space. As we continue to innovate, we remain committed to empowering users and providing them with the tools they need to navigate the world of web3 with confidence,” said Dan Finlay, Co-Founder of MetaMask and Chief Ethos Officer at Consensys.

Blockaid already has an established record of preventing theft. When Vitalik Buterin’s X (formerly Twitter) account was hacked to promote a malicious dapp, Blockaid’s proactive scanning was able to flag the bad actor and stop over $100,000 in digital assets from being stolen. When a similar scam targeted the CEO of Uniswap’s X account, Blockaid was able to prevent any losses from transpiring at all. These types of attacks occur regularly, so losses averted quickly add up.

A Game-Changer For User Safety, Protecting Billions Of Dollars In Assets

The web3 ecosystem is dynamic, with approximately 3-4 new dapps emerging every minute, translating to around 5,000 per day. Blockaid estimates that about 10% of these dapps are malicious. Unintended transaction outcomes have ranked among the most common causes of fund loss incidents within MetaMask. Security alerts that proactively thwart malicious transactions are pivotal in safeguarding users against scams, phishing, and hacks. In a recent survey commissioned by Consensys on the perceptions of web3, 47% of global respondents cited “too many scams” as one of the primary barriers for entering the crypto ecosystem, underscoring the importance of increasing user safety to broader adoption.

In April 2023, MetaMask and Blockaid jointly introduced Opensea security alerts as an experimental opt-in feature. This feature garnered adoption from an average of 4% of MetaMask users and effectively averted asset theft valued at $500 million, based on prevented and identified malicious transactions since April 2023. Due to the success of this experimental opt-in feature, MetaMask and Blockaid anticipate that the new privacy-preserving security alerts will prevent the loss of assets worth at least billions dollars when the feature becomes a default setting for MetaMask wallets.

“For the ecosystem to be ready for billions of users, it needs to be safer,” said Ido Ben-Natan, Co-founder and CEO of Blockaid. “We're excited to be working with MetaMask on leading the charge in defining how a wallet should defend its users. Together we are setting the standard for web3 security across users and builders in the space.”

“In our commitment to prepare for the broader adoption of web3 by the next billion users, we acknowledge the importance of developing features that prioritize ease of use and accessibility while staying aligned with the core values of web3. This is the driving force behind our focus on creating a privacy-preserving version of security alerts, one that eliminates the need to share each transaction and signature request data with third parties. Blockaid's dapp transaction validation solution protects users from malicious transactions without compromising their privacy,” added Barbara Schorchit, Senior Product Owner at MetaMask.

In September of this year, MetaMask introduced MetaMask Snaps for advanced users, with a Transaction Insights category. While the new privacy-preserving security alerts will be seamlessly integrated within MetaMask, users worldwide will continue to have the opportunity to incorporate their preferred security layers by installing transaction insights via MetaMask Snaps. The new security alerts are meant to supplement rather than replace Transaction Insights Snaps, creating multiple layers of protection.

Education remains key

Blockaid’s partnership with MetaMask will have a substantial impact on bolstering security, but education remains pivotal in ensuring that users engage with the web3 ecosystem in a safe and self-managed manner. In January 2023, MetaMask unveiled MetaMask Learn, a learning simulation platform meticulously crafted to assist users in navigating the intricacies of the web3 landscape and self-custody wallets. This platform seamlessly integrates visual learning methodologies with action-oriented testing, offering a comprehensive and engaging approach to understanding the complexities inherent in web3 concepts. The recently launched module on Security aims to specifically educate users on how to identify malicious activity and keep their assets safe.

About MetaMask

MetaMask is the world’s leading self-custody web3 platform with 19 Million Monthly Active Users. Developed by Consensys, MetaMask is the most beloved and trusted way a global user base relies on to mint and collect NFTs, join DAOs, play games and participate in DeFi protocols.

About Consensys

Consensys is the leading blockchain and web3 software company. Since 2014, Consensys has been at the forefront of innovation, pioneering technological developments within the web3 ecosystem. Through our product suite, including the MetaMask platformInfuraLineaDiligence, and our NFT platform, we have become the trusted collaborator for users, creators, and developers on their path to build and belong in the world they want to see. Whether building a dapp, an NFT collection, a portfolio, or a better future, the instinct to build is universal. Consensys inspires and champions the builder instinct in everyone by making web3 universally easy to use and develop on. To explore our products and solutions, visit https://consensys.io/.

About Blockaid

Blockaid is a leader in web3 security. Founded in 2022 by alumni of Israel's elite Unit 8200 cyber intelligence unit, Blockaid has quickly become the standard in blockchain protection. Its innovative suite of tools simulates transactions before execution, safeguarding integrated wallets and dApps like MetaMask, OpenSea, Zerion and Rainbow from fraud, phishing, and hacks.

By preemptively validating all transactions, Blockaid provides the security needed to help users trust using Wallets, dApps, and smart contracts. Operating out of offices in New York and Tel Aviv, the company has raised $33 million from top venture capital firms in cybersecurity, fintech, and web3 — Ribbit, Variant, Cyberstarts, Sequoia, and Greylock. Blockaid continues growing its network of partners as the most trusted name in web3 security. For more information, visit https://blockaid.io.



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