

Armis Named Platinum Winner of 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Award

发布时间:2023-11-23 09:01

Armis Centrix awarded Best Vulnerability Management Solution

SAN FRANCISCO--()--Armis, the asset intelligence cybersecurity company, today announced that Armis Centrix™ was named a platinum award winner for Best Vulnerability Management Solution in American Security Today’s 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Awards, the pre-eminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards Program.

“We’re honored to be recognized with this highly coveted award,” said Brian Gumbel, President of Armis. “It’s critical that U.S. government agencies prioritize having a forward-leaning cybersecurity posture to help protect critical public sector assets from malicious attacks of cybercriminals and nation-state actors. Armis is committed to playing a key role in helping government entities to keep critical infrastructure, economies and society safe and secure 24/7.”

Now in its eighth year, the ‘ASTORS’ Awards recognize industry leaders of Physical and Border Security, Cybersecurity, Emergency Preparedness – Management and Response, Law Enforcement, First Responders, as well as federal, state and municipal government agencies in the acknowledgment of their outstanding efforts to Keep our Nation Secure.

The ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program is specifically designed to honor distinguished government and vendor solutions that deliver enhanced value, benefit, and intelligence to end users in a variety of government, homeland security and public safety vertical markets.

“As the nation continues to respond to escalating threats from home and abroad, the innovative solutions being implemented to meet those threats has led to tremendous growth in the field of Homeland Security,” said Michael Madsen, co-founder and publisher of American Security. “Today, the United States is increasingly focusing on protecting IT/cyber security networks and they are calling on innovative companies like Armis to help them do so.”

Every day, federal, state and local governments rely on IT infrastructure to support and power mission critical activities. Continued migration to the cloud, the move to mobile and BYOD, the convergence of IT, OT and IoT, and the sharp increase in remote work have changed how government agencies must approach cybersecurity. It’s essential that these entities no longer depend on conventional perimeter-based defenses to protect critical systems and data.

Armis Centrix™, the cyber exposure management platform, is powered by the Armis AI-driven Asset Intelligence Engine, which sees, protects and manages billions of assets around the world in real time. Armis Centrix™ is a seamless, frictionless, cloud-based platform that proactively mitigates all cyber asset risks, remediates vulnerabilities, blocks threats and protects the entire attack surface. With Armis Centrix™ for Vulnerability Prioritization and Remediation, government entities can go beyond vulnerability scanning to address the full cyber risk management lifecycle to consolidate, prioritize and remediate all vulnerabilities based on potential risk to the organization.

Armis Centrix™ is FedRAMP moderate and DoD IL4 authorized. Learn more about Armis’ work in the public sector here: https://www.armis.com/cybersecurity/federal-government/

About Armis

Armis, the asset intelligence cybersecurity company, protects the entire attack surface and manages the organization's cyber risk exposure in real time. In a rapidly evolving, perimeter-less world Armis ensures that organizations continuously see, protect and manage all critical assets. Armis secures Fortune 100, 200 and 500 companies as well as national governments, state and local entities to help keep critical infrastructure, economies and society stay safe and secure 24/7. Armis is a privately held company headquartered in California.

About American Security Today

American Security Today (AST), the ‘New Face in Homeland Security™’, is the premier digital media platform in the U.S. Homeland Security and Public Safety Industry, focused on breaking news and in-depth coverage of the newest initiatives and hottest technologies in physical & IT security on the market today.

AST highlights the most cutting-edge and forward-thinking security solutions across a wide variety of media products deivered weekly, and monthly to over 75,000 qualified government and security industry readers, essential to meeting today’s growing security challenges to ‘Secure our Nation, One City at a Time™’.


Rebecca Cradick
Senior Director, Global Communications

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