

Jetcraft Goes Beyond the Globe With New Virtual Reality Hangar

发布时间:2023-12-07 08:51

LONDON--()--Jetcraft®, the global leader in business aircraft sales, acquisitions and trades, today unveils its virtual hangar, giving visitors 24/7 year-round access to a range of aircraft in a 360-degree immersive experience.

The hangar launch brings together Jetcraft’s full Beyond the Globe experience, following on from the opening of its Decentraland-based lounge, where it became the first business aviation specialist to establish a permanent presence in the Metaverse.

Peter Antonenko, President, Jetcraft noted: “In a world dominated by mobile technology and constant activity, having a virtual space at your fingertips is convenient for all our customers, both new and returning. Over the past five years, we’ve witnessed a remarkable increase in Jetcraft buyers aged under 45, who are embracing business aviation while already being well-versed in up-and-coming tech. We recognized early on the potential of the Metaverse and that offering virtual reality experiences meets the evolving needs of our clients.

“For first-time buyers seeking to explore the world of business jets and find the ideal model for their missions, our virtual hangar offers a swift and accessible means to tour aircraft from anywhere in the world. Jetcraft is well established globally, so our next natural step is to venture Beyond the Globe, giving our customers borderless access to our expertise and aircraft, wherever and whenever suits them best.”

Accessed via Jetcraft’s website, the Oculus app or Jetcraft’s Decentraland lounge, customers can enter the virtual hangar for an immersive aircraft viewing experience at their own leisure. Jetcraft has also opened a virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) booth at the Nice Côte d'Azur General Aviation Terminal from December 2023, bringing the virtual hangar to life further and giving passers-by a taste of the next generation technology that the company is embracing.

In addition to expanding in the Metaverse, Jetcraft continues to grow its technical capabilities, having launched JetGPT internally earlier this year which harnesses generative AI to provide faster and smarter insights for Jetcraft’s clients at the Speed of Life.


About Jetcraft
More than brokers, Jetcraft® is a network of global aircraft advisors, offering unmatched international reach and unrivalled local knowledge. The company’s market-leading intelligence, strategic financing solutions, and extensive inventory support even the most intricate of transactions. For over 60 years, Jetcraft has led the way, setting standards that continue to shape the industry. Today, a team of 80+ dedicated aviation specialists across 25+ offices deliver worldwide aircraft sales, acquisitions, and trading at the Speed of Life.

Learn more at: www.jetcraft.com


For Jetcraft media inquiries, please contact Ali Gibson/Amber George at 8020 Communications.
Email: jetcraft@8020comms.com
Telephone: +44 1483 447380

Jetcraft goes Beyond the Globe at Nice Cte d'Azur General Aviation Terminal (Photo: Business Wire)

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