

QRAFT Technologies Forms a Transformative AI-Driven Financial Technology Partnership with First Securities Investment Trust Co., LTD (FSITC)

发布时间:2024-04-03 16:23

SEOUL, South Korea & TAIPEI, Taiwan--()--Qraft Technologies, a leading invest-tech company developing artificial intelligence solutions, proudly announces a strategic technical collaboration with First Securities Investment Trust Co., LTD (FSITC), a distinguished asset management firm. The partnership’s goals will be to develop new tools for investment management through the joint development of sophisticated AI and deep learning algorithms. These initiatives will look to refine multi-factor screening models and enhance forecasting of market risk and set new benchmarks for investment strategies.

At the present time, where AI and deep learning are changing the world of investing, Qraft brings its cutting-edge expertise to this collaboration, driving the development of innovative financial technologies. This venture will utilize Qraft’s advanced AI algorithms to identify and analyze extensive global financial data, while optimizing the stock selection process and market risk sentiment predictions. Qraft and FSITC’s goal is to broaden and elevate the toolkit available to mutual fund, DAM account, and Active ETF portfolio managers, ensuring top-tier investment management services are accessible to the public.

"Our collaboration with FSITC represents a pivotal step forward in our mission to redefine the financial investment landscape with AI-driven solutions,” said Marcus Kim, CEO of Qraft Technologies. “We look forward to combining our technological prowess with FSITC’s industry insights to unlock new opportunities for investors worldwide."

Since 2016, FSITC has been at the forefront of introducing AI-themed investment products, including the FSITC Global AI Robotics and Smart Automation Fund and others. These initiatives reflect FSITC's commitment to innovation and its strategy to leverage AI in operational management and investment processes.

FSITC’s collaboration with Qraft further develops the enhancement of FSITC's investment strategies by incorporating Qraft’s AI algorithms into stock selection and market risk sentiment analysis. This synergy aims to refine mutual fund investment processes and set new standards in risk management.

"Joining forces with Qraft not only amplifies our capabilities but also aligns with our commitment to spearheading the integration of AI in the financial sector," said Liao Wen-wei, General Manager of FSITC. "We are poised to embark on this journey, making new inroads in investment management through our shared vision and technological synergy."

About Qraft Technologies

Qraft Technologies is a fintech company aiming to drive growth in the asset management industry through its innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) and investing. Qraft offers a variety of AI-powered investment solutions, including a security selection engine, asset allocation engine, robo-advisory solution and an AI order-execution system. From data processing to alpha research and portfolio execution, Qraft has an established track record in developing cutting-edge AI solutions that have been adopted by over 25 financial institutions worldwide. In 2022, Qraft received a US$146 million investment from SoftBank Group, entering into a strategic partnership to accelerate AI in the asset management industry.

About First Securities Investment Trust Co., LTD (FSITC)

First Securities Investment Trust Co., LTD (FSITC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of First Financial Holding Co. FSITC is the third investment trust company established in Taiwan since 1986. At the end of November 2023, the total assets under management was NTD$124.4 billion, in which assets of publicly-offered funds totaled NT$112 billion, ranking 14th among its peers. FSITC is the pioneer of onshore AI theme funds in Taiwan and launched a series onshore AI related theme funds focusing on robotic, Fintech, Bio and AI related software application since 2016. In February 2020, FSITC established a quantitative investment department that actively recruits outstanding individuals in quantitative investment, provides necessary resources and platforms to develop and apply quantitative investment strategies and delivers customers high-quality portfolio management services.


Bernardo Soriano
Gregory FCA for Qraft Technologies
Email: bernardo@gregoryfca.com
Phone: 914-656-3880

(Graphic: Business Wire)

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