

Medscape Education and KDIGO Nephrology Collaboration Accelerates Improvements to Patient Care

发布时间:2024-05-22 16:13

LONDON--()--Ahead of the 61st European Renal Association (ERA) Congress, Medscape Education and KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) announce an educational collaboration through a series of webinars to improve anemia-related outcomes in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease on dialysis. Activities will be hosted on www.medscape.org/nephrology and available for AMA credit, starting Summer 2024.

The collaboration combines Medscape's 29 years of experience in nephrology, adult-learning design, and membership of over 13 million healthcare professionals worldwide, with KDIGO's deep knowledge and expertise in nephrology guideline development.

KDIGO is a global nonprofit organization that develops and implements evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in kidney disease. KDIGO guidelines translate scientific advances into useful and practical clinical practice recommendations. KDIGO guidelines will be available as downloadable resources with the activities to streamline access for Medscape learners.

“Our collaboration with Medscape Education will build on each of our strengths in a way that benefits the nephrology community and patients around the world,” said Danielle Green, KDIGO’s Chief Executive Officer.

“With Medscape's global platform and reach and KDIGO's clinically influential guidelines, we are positioned to provide our members with relevant educational resources, ensuring they are equipped with the latest advancements and best practices in kidney care,” said Haleh Kadkhoda, MS, Medscape’s Vice President of Strategic Partnerships.

Medscape Education will also present four posters at the 61st ERA Congress, showcasing the data and impact of Medscape nephrology education on clinicians’ knowledge, competency, and confidence.

About Medscape Education

Medscape Education (medscape.org) is the leading destination for continuous professional development, consisting of more than 30 specialty-focused destinations offering thousands of free accredited CME and CE courses for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Medscape is a subsidiary of WebMD Health Corp.

About WebMD Health Corp.

WebMD, an Internet Brands company, is at the heart of the digital health revolution that is transforming the healthcare experience for consumers, patients, healthcare professionals, employers, health plans and health systems. Through public and private online portals, mobile platforms, and health-focused publications, WebMD delivers leading-edge content and digital services that enable and improve decision-making, support and motivate health actions, streamline and simplify the healthcare journey, and improve patient care.

The WebMD Health Network includes WebMD Health, Medscape, WebMD Ignite, Jobson Healthcare Information, MediQuality, Frontline, Vitals Consumer Services, Aptus Health, PulsePoint, MedicineNet, eMedicineHealth, RxList, OnHealth, Medscape Education, and other owned WebMD sites.

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