

Oaktree Assumes Ownership of Inter Milan

发布时间:2024-05-22 18:03


As of 22 May 2024, funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. (“Oaktree”) have assumed ownership of FC Internazionale Milano (“Inter Milan” or the “Club”). This follows the non-repayment of Oaktree’s three-year loan to Inter Milan’s holding companies that matured on 21 May 2024 with a total balance due of approximately €395m.

In May 2021, with Inter Milan forecasting record financial losses during the 20/21 season, Oaktree provided its holding companies with rescue capital to stabilize the Club’s financial situation and enable it to continue operating, including to pay its players and employees. In the three years since Oaktree’s rescue financing, Inter has lifted its eighth and ninth Coppa Italia, secured its sixth, seventh, and eighth Supercoppa, earned its 20th Scudetto title and historic second star, and reached the UEFA Champions League final for the first time since 2010.

Oaktree is dedicated to achieving the best outcome for the long-term prosperity of Inter Milan, with an initial focus on operational and financial stability for the Club and its stakeholders. Oaktree values the legacy of the Club, the passion of the players, the loyalty of the Interisti, and the Club’s significant role in Milan, Italy and the global sporting community. Oaktree is committed to working closely with Inter Milan’s current management team, partners, the league and governing bodies to ensure the Club is positioned for success on and off the pitch; focusing on robust management, operations and governance with a vision for sustainable growth and success.

Alejandro Cano, Managing Director and Co-Head of Europe for Oaktree’s Global Opportunities strategy:

“As new owners, we recognize our responsibility to Inter Milan’s community, history and legacy. We are committed to the long-term success of the Nerazzurri and believe our ambitions for the Club are united with those of its passionate fans in Italy and around the world. Our initial focus is operational and financial stability. We have great respect for Inter Milan's management team and look forward to working closely with them to provide strong leadership for the Club. Winning the second star was a pivotal moment for the Club and our aim is to build on the momentum achieved on the pitch to develop a clear path for consistent growth and success.”

Oaktree and Inter Milan’s management team will communicate with key stakeholders in the coming weeks to ensure there is a smooth transition.

About Oaktree

Oaktree is a leader among global investment managers specializing in alternative investments, with $192 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2024. The firm emphasizes a value-oriented and risk-controlled approach to investments in credit, private equity, real assets and listed equities. The firm has over 1,200 employees and offices in 23 cities worldwide. For additional information, please visit Oaktree’s website at http://www.oaktreecapital.com/.


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240522519806/en/



Media Inquires

FGS Global
London - Rory King
Milan - Claudio Albanese


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