

Sonar Delivers Clean Code Solution SonarQube Through Google Cloud Marketplace

发布时间:2024-05-30 10:18

Google Cloud Marketplace listing simplifies procurement, implementation, and management for efficient Clean Code delivery

GENEVA & AUSTIN, Texas--()--Sonar, the leader in Clean Code solutions, today announced that SonarQube is now available on Google Cloud Marketplace, enabling organizations to accelerate DevOps transformations in the cloud, modernize software development workflows, and deliver higher-quality, secure applications. As companies adopt AI code generation tools, SonarQube ensures that no matter where or how code is developed, it leads to secure, reliable, and maintainable software.

SonarQube’s availability on Google Cloud Marketplace streamlines the process for developers to identify and address potential issues in code early on in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), whether code is human-developed or AI-generated. Developers can now quickly set up SonarQube in their Google Cloud environment to analyze their code quality with simplified billing and scalability that fit their specific needs and budget. Organizations are empowered to accelerate their DevOps transformation initiatives while minimizing risks and ensuring long-term success.

“Bringing SonarQube to Google Cloud Marketplace will help customers quickly deploy, manage, and grow the solution on Google Cloud's trusted, global infrastructure," said Dai Vu, Managing Director, Marketplace & ISV GTM Programs at Google Cloud. “Sonar can now securely scale and support customers on their digital transformation journeys.”

Google Cloud Marketplace lets users quickly deploy functional software packages that run on Google Cloud's infrastructure. Google Cloud Marketplace allows customers to easily start up a familiar software package with services like Compute Engine or Cloud Storage, with no manual configuration required.

Over the last 15 years, Sonar has analyzed more than half a trillion lines of code across all industries and company sizes, resulting in a deep understanding of how code is written and managed. Sonar evaluates code for quality and security issues at two points - in the IDE with SonarLint, and in the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline, with SonarQube. Sonar’s offering is built on the principles of Clean Code, which is the belief that when code is consistent, intentional, adaptable, and responsible – meaning it is easy to understand and change, operates smoothly at runtime, and contains no technical debt – it results in software that is maintainable, reliable, of quality, and secure.

“Code is one of the most valuable assets in a digital economy. As companies adopt AI and move to the cloud, we want them to continue having seamless access to Sonar’s Clean Code solutions as part of their DevOps environment in the cloud,” said Harry Wang, VP of Strategic Partnerships & Head of Product Marketing at Sonar. “SonarQube availability on Google Cloud Marketplace means that organizations can easily combine Google’s AI capabilities with the familiar Clean Code solution that they trust, to evolve and accelerate software development safely and responsibly.”

SonarQube is an essential tool in the current DevOps toolchain as it reduces issues before they reach production, reduces rollbacks and rework, increases developer velocity, and increases DevOps efficiency and agility. By preventing new issues from entering into production, software becomes easier to maintain and businesses become more competitive, as new features are faster to add.

Key benefits of its availability on Google Cloud Marketplace include:

  • Faster Setup: Get up and running with SonarQube quickly and easily, eliminating the need for complex manual installations.
  • Seamless Integration: Developers can incorporate SonarQube into their Google Cloud environment with the ease of container deployment on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
  • Scalability: Usage of SonarQube can easily scale with Google Cloud’s infrastructure to match evolving needs, no matter the size of the organization or software project.
  • Simplified Billing and Cost Effectiveness: Companies can consolidate the purchase of SonarQube with the rest of their cloud spending to achieve better discounts on Google Cloud and reduce administrative overhead.

To learn more about SonarQube, visit here. SonarQube is generally available now on Google Cloud Marketplace.

About Sonar

Sonar is a leading maker of open source solutions to help developers write Clean Code. Sonar’s solutions — SonarQube, SonarCloud, and SonarLint — support over 30 programming languages, frameworks, and infrastructure technologies. Trusted by more than 400,000 organizations globally to clean more than half a trillion lines of code, Sonar is integral to delivering higher quality, better-performing software.

To learn more about Sonar, please visit https://www.sonarsource.com/.


Katie Hyman
Senior PR Manager, Sonar

SonarQube is now available on Google Cloud Marketplace. (Photo: Business Wire)

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