

JEOL : - A Useful Tool for Every User! - New Electron Microscope JEM-120i Released

发布时间:2024-05-30 10:43

TOKYO--()--JEOL Ltd. (TOKYO:6951)(President and CEO: Izumi Oi) announces the release of the new electron microscope JEM-120i developed with the concepts of “Compact”, “Easy To Use”, and “Expandable” on May 30, 2024.
Electron microscopes are utilized in a wide range of fields from biotechnology to nano technology, polymers, and advanced materials. With the expansion of application, usages are also expanding, which requires a tool that is easy-to-use for research and testing purposes. To satisfy such needs, the JEM-120i has evolved into a next-generation microscope that is easy to use, from operation to maintenance, for both beginner and experienced users.

Main Feature

  • Compact
  • The JEM-120i adopts a totally new appearance and compact design that fits any installation location. The footprint has been reduced by more than 50%, and the volume occupied by the instrument is less than one-third of that of conventional models, enabling effective use of space. The instrument height is lower than 1,800mm, which fits just about any installation room.
  • Easy to Use
  • The enhanced TEM control system and fully automated apertures eliminated the need for switching the magnification mode and selecting an aperture. The JEM-120i provides seamless observations from low to high magnification.
  • It takes only 4 steps from loading a specimen to completing an observation. After inserting the specimen holder, clicking the Start Button automatically performs observation preparation operations such as voltage increase and emission start.
    A wide area image is captured at the same time, and clicking the target field of view will complete the stage movement. Standard “Butler mode” assists data acquisition.
    Even a beginner can capture data easily.
  • Expandable
  • In addition to the standard multi-function camera, a bottom-mount camera of higher pixel count can be selected as an option.
  • Attachments such as the scanning image observation function (STEM), elemental analysis function (EDS), and cryo observation function can be applied, regardless of instrument configuration. The instrument can be expanded at any time to meet the changing needs of microscopy over time.
  • The proven scripting function (PyJEM) with the high-end models, can create an algorithm for automation. The automation can increase the utilization rate of the instrument and improve data output efficiency.


Main Specifications 



0.2 nm (HC)*1, 0.14 nm (HR)*2


Accelerating voltage




50-1,200,000 (HC)*1, 50-1,500,000 (HR)*2


Standard camera

JEOL CMOS camera (NeoView) 4M pixel, 30fps

Field of view search/adjustment/recording


Optional camera

JEOL CMOS camera (SightSKY) 19M pixel, 58fps

Cameras made by other companies can also be mounted.


Main unit

W 840mm/ D 1,734mm/ H 1,782mm

  *1(HC) : High contrast configuration
*2(HR) : High resolution configuration 

Annual unit sales target
70 units/year

Related link
Product Information : Electron microscope JEM-120i

3-1-2, Musashino, Akishima, Tokyo, 196-8558, Japan
Izumi Oi, President & CEO
(Stock code: 6951, Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market)


Science and Measurement Instruments Sales Division
TEL: +81-3-6262-3567

[Electron Microscope JEM-120i] (Photo: Business Wire)

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