

Danone Joins 100+ Accelerator as Fifth Partner for Scaling Sustainable Startup Innovation

发布时间:2024-05-30 13:14

Danone joins AB InBev, The Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive Company & Unilever to launch Cohort 6 of the 100+ Accelerator, combining efforts to develop and scale innovative solutions to our most pressing business and sustainability challenges

NEW YORK--()--Today, Danone has joined AB InBev (Brussel:ABI) (BMV:ANB) (JSE:ANH) (NYSE:BUD), The Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive Company, and Unilever as the fifth partner in the 100+ Accelerator, the groundbreaking program dedicated to pioneering sustainable innovation across global supply chains.

Launched in 2018 by AB InBev, the 100+ Accelerator has rapidly become a cornerstone initiative for catalyzing environmental stewardship and sustainable business practices through global collaboration and groundbreaking solutions in critical areas such as water stewardship, circular economy, sustainable agriculture, and climate action. In 2021, the 100+ Accelerator welcomed its first three partners to expand this unique approach to innovation and to further establish the value proposition of the program’s brand and mission. To date, it has accelerated 148 companies in 38 countries.

“Sustainability is core to our business strategy and fulfills our purpose of dreaming big to create a future with more cheers,” said Ingrid De Ryck, Chief Sustainability Officer of AB InBev. “In the 5 years since its launch, the 100+ Accelerator has helped us identify and scale solutions to business challenges, advance our 2025 sustainability goals and improve resilience across supply chains. We welcome Danone as a strategic partner in the 100+ Accelerator and are excited to continue developing the program’s impact through industry collaboration.”

“Our combined global reach will undoubtedly propel the 100+ Accelerator to new heights, driving broader adoption of sustainable innovations that will benefit our planet, our communities and our future.” Vikram Agarwal, Chief Operations Officer, Danone, also expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership: "This collaboration with 100+ Accelerator is yet another milestone in Danone's sustainability journey and is a direct result of our Partner For Growth program. It shows our commitment to working with all partners across our ecosystem to leverage our respective strengths to create shared value. With 100+ Accelerator, start-ups will be able to harness our internal resources to scale-up innovation that will deliver tangible environmental benefits across the value chain.”

Isabelle Esser, Danone Chief Research, Innovation, Quality and Food Safety Officer added, “We are proud to join the 100+ Accelerator program, which is fully aligned with our ambition to drive sustainable innovation for the future of our planet and our consumers. At Danone, we believe that strong partnerships are essential to help us stay one step ahead of global challenges, while continuing to honor our mission of shaping the food of tomorrow.”

The program's effectiveness is evidenced by its impact:

  • Implementation of a range of technologies that help improve water efficiency including nanotechnology, electrochemistry and spectroscopy.
  • Enhanced traceability and support systems for smallholder farmers, endeavoring to improve livelihoods and agricultural sustainability across continents.
  • Fleet optimization including EV retrofitting, hydrogen co-fueling, aerodynamic solutions and hybrid charging.
  • New cooling applications including thermodynamic coatings and magnetic refrigeration.
  • Bio-based, compostable packaging alternatives or additives from banana fiber, spent grain, corn husk, bacterial nano-cellulose among others.

Applications for the sixth cohort of the accelerator will open on May 30. Forward-thinking entrepreneurs are invited to apply at www.100accelerator.com.

With the collective capabilities of AB InBev, The Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive, Danone, and Unilever, the 100+ Accelerator will continue to scale innovative solutions to create a more sustainable world.

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