

Sonar Introduces SonarCloud Enterprise and Team Plans for Advanced Analysis of AI-assisted and Developer Written Code

发布时间:2024-08-01 09:59

New SaaS plans provide comprehensive code quality and code security visibility for developers, software engineering managers, and business leaders

GENEVA & AUSTIN, Texas--()--Sonar, the leading Clean Code solution provider, has expanded its SonarCloud offering with the availability of two new plans, SonarCloud Enterprise and SonarCloud Team. SonarCloud, the company’s fully managed SaaS solution for improving the quality and security of human-developed and AI-assisted code at scale, is used by thousands of organizations to analyze proprietary and open source projects. With the new Enterprise and Team plans for SonarCloud, Sonar empowers development teams of all sizes to deliver Clean Code with confidence.

When code isn’t clean, it can cause business outages, security risks, and poor application performance. Sonar’s Clean Code solutions help developers catch bugs, quality concerns, and security flaws early in the development process, as code is being created. This allows them to find and resolve issues before they can make it through to production, improving developer productivity, software quality, and business performance.

“Our ROI in SonarCloud kicked in from the first month. We were able to gain a better understanding of the quality of our code and start rolling out suitable adjustments for the engineering team,” said Furkan Yavuz, QA lead for Recognyte, an AI-driven real estate intelligence company.

As organizations increasingly adopt AI assistants to write code and develop software, having scalable, flexible solutions, with high availability and built-in security has become a business imperative. The new SonarCloud plans ensure developer teams can leverage SonarCloud as their needs grow, to continuously reduce exposure to risk at all levels and sustain the performance of their software, growing business through systematic development and delivery.

“The adoption of AI coding assistants and the push for faster software development have increased code volume and raised reliability concerns. However, most code scanning tools are just adding to the growing list of issues that are potential threats to business, most of which are false positives. Developers need to be empowered to find issues early and be motivated to fix them with the tools they love and have confidence in. Development teams who use SonarCloud are able to pinpoint and remediate as early in the development process as possible,” said Fabrice Bellingard, VP of Product at Sonar.

Features Made for the Enterprise

SonarCloud Enterprise offers organization-wide portfolio management, new authentication and security features, executive reporting functionality, simplified administration, enterprise service-level agreements, and dedicated commercial support for all customers. Additionally, SonarCloud Enterprise is available on AWS Marketplace, ensuring simplified procurement and onboarding.

Centralizing Controls.

Managing multiple organizations in a DevOps environment can be difficult, causing a lack of visibility into the overall security of the company’s software and the needed actions to improve it on various levels. Specific features include: Enterprise hierarchy, portfolio creation, organization-wide configurable settings, project PDF reporting for technology leads and managers, and security standard reports for IT security teams.

Authentication and Security.

Organizations tend to use a combination of different tools in their DevOps toolkit to ensure code quality and security, on top of multiple linters to support the complexity that comes with leveraging a variety of languages. Managing organization and group membership to various solutions and ensuring they are synchronized can be a large administrative effort, and lead to security risks. Features that support this and ongoing security assurance include: Single Sign-On (SSO), synchronized access management, and more scalable token management.

Simplified Administration.

At onboarding, default settings can be prepared and applied to all projects with organization-wide project configuration. This relieves the tedious and slow task that large enterprises face of configuring a high number of projects, project by project. Automated project creation at scale also supports ease in standing up SonarCloud. It enables the auto-creation of projects in SonarCloud that were initially built in an enterprise DevOps platform. Additionally, enterprise billing means that billing can be done as a single entity while being applied to multiple organizations.

More about the SonarCloud Team Plan

Flexible plans to meet the needs of all organizations.

SonarCloud’s existing Private Repo plan has been replaced by SonarCloud Team and will continue to provide the reliable, SaaS solution that users trust and rely on today. At an affordable price, SonarCloud Team provides all the benefits of the SonarQube Community Edition plus additional features like branch analysis, pull request decoration, and injection flow detection. With the Team plan, developers can scan both public and private projects for actionable insights that enable consistent and efficient Clean Code delivery all in a simple, fast time-to-value SaaS model hosted by Sonar. Teams also have control to define the quality standard they want their codebase to follow.

As a company rooted in open source, the Free plan of SonarCloud will continue to be available and will evolve through the year.

SonarCloud on AWS Marketplace

SonarCloud is available on AWS Marketplace, a curated digital catalog of independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This enables seamless access to Sonar’s SaaS solution and acceleration of its deployment for AWS customers globally, whether on the Enterprise or Team plan. Hosted at AWS and replicated across multiple availability zones, data remains accessible in case of hardware failures or natural disasters. In addition, Sonar has joined the AWS Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Accelerate Program, which will help it to provide improved customer support and cloud cost management. Through its membership in the program, Sonar will increase the visibility of its services to AWS customers and partners. More information about SonarCloud on AWS Marketplace can be found here.

“When developers aren’t burdened by fixing issues downstream, they have more time for creativity, quicker release cycles, and advanced problem-solving, which all support a more positive developer experience and contribute to higher retention and lower recruitment costs,” added Bellingard.

Features described in this release will be made available throughout 2024. To learn more, visit our SonarCloud page, here.

About Sonar

Sonar's Clean Code solutions, SonarQube, SonarCloud, and SonarLint, help developers prevent code quality and security issues from ever reaching production. Sonar analyzes all code, regardless of who writes it—your internal team or genAI—resulting in more secure, reliable, and maintainable software. Rooted in the open source community, Sonar’s solutions support over 30 programming languages, frameworks, and infrastructure technologies. Today, Sonar is used by 7M+ developers and 400K organizations worldwide, including the DoD, Microsoft, NASA, MasterCard, Siemens, and T-Mobile.

To learn more about Sonar, please visit: https://www.sonarsource.com/products/all/


Katie Hyman
Senior PR Manager for Sonar
(707) 291-1469

Sonar Introduces SonarCloud Enterprise and Team Plans for Advanced Analysis of AI-assisted and Developer Written Code. (Graphic: Business Wire)

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