

Stellex Capital, in Partnership with Communify, Has Acquired Fincentric (Formerly Known as Markit On Demand) from S&P Global

发布时间:2024-08-16 11:00

Combining Communify and Fincentric creates a differentiated and leading offering for the communication of market and client data for the financial sector

LOS ANGELES--()--Communify, a Just Build It (JBI) company led by the former founders of InvestCloud, in partnership with Stellex Capital Management, will be combined with Fincentric (formerly known as Markit On Demand), a provider of digital experiences, curating financial data distribution and other solutions, which was carved out from S&P Global. The acquisition integrates Fincentric with Communify's existing client communication, automation, and management business for the global wealth and asset management industries to form Communify Fincentric.

The newly formed Communify Fincentric represents a significant leap forward in financial technology, addressing the industry’s long-standing challenge of disjointed data sources and subpar digital user experiences. By unifying market and client data communication, Communify Fincentric offers a comprehensive, on-brand, digital platform for any financial institution through an immediately available SaaS-based product suite. This suite includes Markets Apps, Client Apps, and Advisor Apps, all enhanced with the design, advanced AI, automation and personalization capabilities for which the JBI and Fincentric teams are known.

Building on Fincentric's strong presence in the US brokerage and self-directed investor markets, Communify Fincentric is poised for both domestic and international expansion, with a focus on serving the broader wealth and asset management industries. The company's reach is made possible by a flexible delivery model, offering both off-the-shelf products and customized solutions for large organizations worldwide. Communify Fincentric will combine Fincentric's 30-year legacy, which includes serving more than half of the top online brokerages in the US, with Communify's cutting-edge design & technology expertise, in an effort to create a powerhouse in financial data communication and management.

John Wise, Chairman and CEO of Communify Fincentric said, “We’ve followed Wall Street on Demand to Markit Digital/Markit on Demand to Fincentric over the years for their outstanding ability to create compelling user experiences with complex data sets to investors. Their numbers speak for themselves – their product gets 165 million logins per month, accessing over 563 million page views per day whilst leveraging 4,000 unique data feeds. Unifying Fincentric's market data capabilities with Communify's expertise in client data creates a strong digital partner for the financial markets. Our shared client-centric, design-centric mindset will be pivotal as we look to grow Communify Fincentric domestically and worldwide.”

Renee Spampinato, Global Head of Fincentric, said, “Combining our market data excellence with Communify’s leading client data solutions creates a compelling proposition for the market. The Communify team is well-known for their excellence in design innovation, go-to-market and value creation. Unifying teams that believe in design and innovation is very exciting.”

Irina Krasik, Managing Director, Stellex Capital Management said, “We specialize in pairing strong assets with prominent operators in an effort to create value. We believe the JBI team in Communify has stellar credentials at growing businesses and were the best partners for this opportunity.”

To learn more about Communify Fincentric, visit www.communify.com.

About JBI

Just Build It (JBI) was founded to be a design and build company, as in the name. The JBI team has over three decades of expertise, having designed hundreds of digital and data solutions for many of the largest firms in the financial services sector. Today, JBI demonstrates the value-creation power of deploying proven approaches and methods to boost innovation and transform growth trajectories of existing companies.

About Stellex Capital Management

With offices in New York, Pittsburgh, Detroit, and London, Stellex Capital is a private equity firm with over $2.8 billion in AUM. Stellex seeks to identify and deploy capital in opportunities that stand to benefit from its operationally focused approach to investing. Additional information may be found at www.stellexcapital.com.

About Communify Fincentric

Communify Fincentric, unifying the communication of market (Fincentric) and client data (Communify), delivers unique, high quality digital experiences for the financial industry. Founded on decades of maturity in delivering complex market data to some of the largest firms in financial services, Communify Fincentric’s platform and Knowledge Bases allow excellent experiences at a fraction of the cost of in-house solutions. Communify Fincentric’s SaaS-based product suite unifies the communication of market and client data through a library of financial apps, with solutions including Communify Fincentric Markets Apps, Client Apps and Advisor Apps. Communify Fincentric’s Knowledge Base of 4000+ unique data feeds and 500M+ page views per day also powers advanced AI capabilities for the next generation of communication, automation and management of financial data. To learn more about Communify Fincentric, visit www.communify.com.


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