

Sandvine Announces New Ownership and Capital Infusion

发布时间:2024-09-20 07:57

New ownership group commits new financing

Will help to support reorientation of business and continued customer service and technological innovation

PLANO, Texas--()--Sandvine (the “Company”), a market-leading provider of Over-the-Top (OTT) Application Classification and Quality of Experience (QoE) solutions, today announced that it has been acquired by a group of leading US investment firms that previously were, and continue to be, lenders to the Company. In connection with this change of control transaction, the lenders agreed to reduce the Company’s total outstanding debt significantly.

Following the change of control transaction, on September 13, 2024, these investors also entered into a binding agreement to provide new capital to Sandvine. The financing is expected to close in September 2024 and will strengthen the Company’s balance sheet.

These enhancements to Sandvine’s financial position accompany its recently announced reorientation of its business model to focus on serving customers in large democratic markets. Together, these developments enable the Company to continue serving as the technology partner of choice for scaled, sophisticated telecommunications providers in large global markets from a position of stability and strength.

“While we are continuing to work with our financial stakeholders to properly capitalize the Company’s balance sheet, today’s announcements describe important steps in the continuing evolution of Sandvine, reinforcing a strong financial and operational foundation for us to provide our customers and partners with differentiated, innovative technology solutions that empower them to enhance their customers’ experiences when using their apps and services,” said Carney Hawks, chairman of the Board of Sandvine. “We are excited to partner with our new owners and benefit from their resources and expertise as we work together to drive further transformation across Sandvine from a financial, strategic, and operational point of view for the benefit of all of our stakeholders.”

About Sandvine
Sandvine's App QoE portfolio helps customers analyze, optimize, and monetize application experiences using contextual machine learning-based insights and real-time actions. Sandvine’s solutions enable market-leading classification of more than 95% of traffic across mobile and fixed networks by user, application, device, and location, which significantly enhances interactions between users and applications. For more information about delivering superior quality of experience with uniquely rich, real-time data that can drive performance and revenues, visit sandvine.com and follow Sandvine on LinkedInTwitter, and Facebook.


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