

Sandvine Appoints Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer and Board Advisor as Part of Strengthened Commitment to Internet Freedom and Digital Rights

发布时间:2025-01-16 12:28

Carol Tate will serve as CCO following her tenure as Chief Compliance Officer at Intel

Former President & CEO of Human Rights First, Michael Breen, appointed as Advisor to the Board of Directors

WATERLOO, Ontario--()--Today, Sandvine (the “Company”), a market-leading provider of Over-the-Top (OTT) Application Classification and Quality of Experience (QoE) solutions, announced the appointments of Carol Tate as Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer, effective February 3, and Michael Breen as Advisor to the Board of Directors, effective January 1. Working closely with teams across the Company and in collaboration with its Board of Directors, Tate will spearhead compliance and due diligence initiatives to help facilitate Sandvine’s transition into a technology solution leader for democracies. Working directly with the Company’s Board of Directors, Breen is advising on human rights matters, including its engagement with non-governmental organizations to inform the Company’s human rights due diligence.

With decades of legal, risk, and compliance experience in the public and private sectors, Tate brings extensive experience embedding ethics and compliance into technological deployment and innovation on a global scale. She most recently served as Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer at Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) (“Intel”), where she led the organization’s global ethics and compliance function, which included driving initiatives to promote the company’s values and ethical culture, encourage open reporting, and reinforce Intel’s commitment to product responsibility in connection with Intel’s technology.

Prior to Intel, Tate held senior leadership roles within the ethics and compliance functions at McCarthy Holdings, Inc., Flextronics International Ltd., and Motorola. She also served as a senior attorney with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Enforcement Division.

“As we operate in an increasingly complex digital environment, Sandvine’s focus on driving technological innovation while promoting internet freedom and digital rights could not be more critical,” said Tate. “I am excited to join a team and organization focused on providing high-quality products and premier customer service while facing these challenges head-on through close and productive partnerships with all stakeholders.”

Breen, an executive leader, strategist, policy expert and former military officer, has diverse experience leading complex organizations at the intersection of technology, global security, human rights, politics, and markets. He previously served as President & CEO of Human Rights First, a US-based organization confronting global human rights abuse, authoritarianism, and extremism through technology innovation and deployment, crisis response, policy development and advocacy, research, and legal services. Prior to leading Human Rights First, Breen acted as President & CEO of the Center for National Policy and the Truman National Security Project, served in the Obama administration’s Office of White House Counsel, and co-founded the International Refugee Assistance Project. He began his career as a decorated US Army officer, leading soldiers in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“At a critical inflection point, Sandvine worked diligently to rechart its course, commit to being a positive and material contributor to the protection of human rights around the world, and double down on its mission to help people work, learn, entertain, and communicate. That resilience speaks to the Company’s potential to build itself into a values-driven technology solutions market leader,” said Breen. “I look forward to working closely with the Sandvine Board of Directors and the Company’s executive leadership team to help Sandvine navigate the challenges of today’s digital landscape.”

“Sandvine’s appointments of Carol and Michael are a direct reflection of the Company’s strengthened commitment to internet freedom and both digital and human rights, and we are honored to welcome them aboard,” added Carney Hawks, Chairman of the Board of Sandvine. “Carol’s extensive and successful track record collaborating with government and regulatory stakeholders, customers, trade groups, NGOs, and colleagues to deliver technological excellence governed by the highest ethical standards, combined with Michael’s exceptional background leading organizations dedicated to mitigating the world’s most complex issues across technology, human rights, global security and political dimensions, will be immensely valuable to Sandvine in this new chapter.”


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