

Hytera to Showcase Latest Mission-Critical Communication Technologies at MWC25

发布时间:2025-02-05 10:20

SHENZHEN, China--()--Hytera Communications (SZSE: 002583), a leading global provider of professional communications technologies and solutions, is thrilled to announce its participation in the Mobile World Congress 2025 (MWC25), taking place from March 3rd to 6th, 2025, at the Fira Gran Via in Barcelona, Spain. Hytera will bring its mission-critical portfolio across multiple protocols such as 4G/5G, Mission Critical Services (MCX), and Push-to-talk over Cellular (PoC or PTToC), as well as Body-worn Camera (BWC) and Digital Evidence Management (DEM).

As one of the most influential events in the mobile and telecommunications industry, MWC25 will bring together the world’s top innovators, technology companies, and industry leaders, offering immense value by facilitating collaboration and fostering innovation across the global mobile ecosystem. At Booth 6G44, Hytera will not only showcase the latest advancement in its broadband communication solutions – MCX communication solution, PoC solution, and Body Camera & DEM Solution, but also debut its 5G mission-critical ruggedized smart device PNC660, which is designed to meet the high demands of public safety and industrial users. Compliant with 3GPP standards, PNC660 supports MCPTT, MCVideo, and MCData, offering seamless voice, video, and data communication.

Under the theme “Converge. Connect. Create.”, MWC25 will explore groundbreaking advancements in mobile technology, 5G, IoT, AI, and other emerging technologies. The event provides a dynamic platform for companies to showcase their latest innovations, discuss industry trends, and demonstrate how new technologies are shaping the future of industries and societies.

Hytera aims to engage with industry leaders and professionals to discuss how communication technologies are driving transformation in sectors such as public safety, public protection and disaster relief (PPDR), utilities, transportation, and industries.

Stay tuned for more details, and visit Hytera’s official website for updates and further information on the event: https://www.hytera.com/en/media-center/event/mwc2025.html

Click here to register for the new product launch webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7420364727085559640

About Hytera

Hytera Communications Corporation Limited (SZSE: 002583) is a leading global provider of professional communications technologies and solutions. With voice, video, and data capabilities, we provide faster, safer, and more versatile connectivity for business and mission-critical users. We make the world more efficient and safer by enabling our customers to achieve more in both daily operations and emergency response.



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