

Galderma Demonstrates Injectable Aesthetics Leadership in Medication-Driven Weight Loss With New Research and First International Consensus-Based Guidelines

发布时间:2025-02-06 10:31

New research shows that loose or sagging skin on the face and neck is most often noted after medication-driven weight loss, with facial changes typically observed 3-6 months following treatment (in 45% of respondents), and sometimes as early as 1-2 months (28%)1
In addition, more than 60% of those patients experiencing medication-driven weight loss show a strong interest in a dual-expertise service that integrates both medical and aesthetic professionals to support them during their weight loss journey1
At IMCAS, Galderma will further educate healthcare professionals on this topic by hosting a masterclass with international aesthetics experts who will delve into how to manage facial changes in patients experiencing medication-driven weight loss, in clinical practice
Additionally, the first international consensus-based guidelines by global experts for understanding and managing the unique aesthetic needs of this patient population, supported by Galderma, will be presented as part of a session dedicated to rapid facial volume loss2

ZUG, Switzerland--()--Galderma, the pure-play dermatology category leader, is pioneering new research into the impact of medication-driven weight loss on the skin and the importance of factoring in aesthetic treatment goals during the patient’s journey, as well as the first international consensus-based guidelines from global experts on how to treat this patient population.

Today, at the International Master Course on Aging Science (IMCAS) 2025 annual congress, Galderma will also host a first-of-its-kind masterclass on this topic with international aesthetics experts. Titled “Managing Facial Changes in Patients with Medication-Driven Weight-Loss”, the session will be the opportunity to discuss strategies for managing facial changes in this patient population in clinical practice.

While the rates and stages of adoption differ worldwide, the use of prescription weight loss medications is set to increase globally, with $100 billion sales globally forecasted by 2030, which will have a considerable impact on aesthetics for both patients and healthcare professionals3. With 62% of patients using glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) getting aesthetic treatment following a healthcare professional recommendation1, there is a clear need for guidance on how to treat this new patient population.

First international consensus-based guidelines

Recognizing the significance and broad impact of prescription weight loss medications, Galderma commissioned the Delphi study to address the need for high-quality research in this area and help establish clinical guidelines for identifying and managing the unique needs of this patient population. This international, multidisciplinary study — incorporating patient interviews, market research, literature reviews, and insights from global experts with extensive experience in treating medication-driven weight loss patients — culminated in a global consensus on key criteria, expert perspectives, and treatment prioritization, all supported by real-world case studies2. These novel consensus guidelines, submitted for publication as the first international consensus-based guidelines from global experts on how to treat this patient population, will be presented by Dr. Andreas Nikolis, during a focus session on “Rapid facial volume loss: causes and consequences” on January 31st, 2025 in the Grand Amphi.

Additionally, Galderma has surveyed more than 1,000 male and female respondents using weight loss medications, aged between 25-65 across the United States, Brazil, Europe and the Middle East1. The focus is understanding the anatomical and aesthetic impact of medication-driven weight loss on the skin, to help equip healthcare professionals to guide patients effectively along their weight loss and aesthetics journey, based on their unique needs.


“With 23% of patients who are already or plan to undergo specific aesthetic treatments, we are now witnessing the emergence of a distinct patient population — those who have undergone significant weight loss and are now seeking complementary aesthetic care. With unique needs, these patients require a thoughtful, integrated approach from healthcare providers. Galderma’s cutting-edge research plays a pivotal role in equipping healthcare providers with the knowledge they need to stay at the forefront of this shift. By addressing these patients' specific concerns from the outset, we can provide a more holistic, tailored approach that enhances both physical transformation and overall well-being.”








Medication-driven weight loss can lead to a myriad of facial changes, from dry or dull skin to sagging and a gaunt, hollowed-out appearance, as well as alterations in facial structure and balance4. Nearly half (48%) of respondents report significant facial changes due to weight loss treatment1. Menopausal women, in particular, experience higher levels of sagging skin, a slimmer face, and less radiant skin1. Loose or sagging skin on the face and neck is often noted after some weight loss, with facial changes typically observed 3-6 months following treatment (45%), and sometimes as early as 1-2 months (28%)1. These changes occur for several reasons: the loss of fat that typically stretches and cushions the skin, contributing to a youthful appearance, can lead to volume depletion and sagging1. Additionally, the reduction of collagen, elastin, and other essential nutrients can affect skin quality, facial definition, and contouring1.

60% of aesthetic users have undergone treatments to address these effects, while one third of aesthetic considerers would have taken additional measures to prevent skin changes if they had known about the effects on the skin prior to starting their weight loss journey1. The data further reveals that a significant barrier to pursuing aesthetic treatments is the lack of education and information, affecting both current and potential aesthetic users, regardless of their geographical location or stage in the weight loss process1. Further, more than 60% of patients experiencing medicine-driven weight loss show a strong interest in a dual-expertise service that integrates medical and aesthetic professionals to support them during their journey1. These findings from Galderma’s research show that a new, holistic approach to weight loss planning could better support this specific patient population and the healthcare professionals who treat them.


Galderma is committed to leading the way in understanding the impact of medication-driven weight loss on the skin. As the dermatology category leader, we know that this is not a one size fits all approach. With our deep skin knowledge, aesthetic expertise and individualized treatment approach, Galderma is uniquely positioned to support this evolution and help patients achieve the radiant glow and appearance that they desire.”







Specifically, 48% of respondents in the study reported that they would undergo Sculptra® treatment and 41% would undergo Restylane® treatment, to address the changes experienced on their face as a result of weight loss treatment1, demonstrating the need for different aesthetic treatments that address the impact on their skin throughout their weight loss journey.

About Galderma
Galderma (SIX: GALD) is the pure-play dermatology category leader, present in approximately 90 countries. We deliver an innovative, science-based portfolio of premium flagship brands and services that span the full spectrum of the fast-growing dermatology market through Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology. Since our foundation in 1981, we have dedicated our focus and passion to the human body’s largest organ – the skin – meeting individual consumer and patient needs with superior outcomes in partnership with healthcare professionals. Because we understand that the skin we are in shapes our lives, we are advancing dermatology for every skin story. For more information: www.galderma.com.


1 Galderma MAC Research. 2024
2 Nikolis A, Enright KM, Fabi S, Somenek M, Avelar L, Franco J, Haddad A, Angelo-Kathar M, Huang J, Safran T, Prygova I, Dayan S. Consensus statements on managing aesthetic needs in prescription medication-driven rapid weight loss patients: An international, multidisciplinary Delphi study. IMCAS 2025.
3 JP Morgan report. The increase in appetite for obesity drugs. November 2023
4 Humphrey CD, Lawrence AC. Implications of Ozempic and other GLP-1 receptor agonists for facial plastic surgeons. Facial Plast Surg. 2023;39:719-721


For further information:

Christian Marcoux, M.Sc.
Chief Communications Officer
+41 76 315 26 50

Sébastien Cros
Corporate Communications Director
+41 79 529 59 85

Emil Ivanov
Head of Strategy, Investor Relations, and ESG
+41 21 642 78 12

Jessica Cohen
Investor Relations and Strategy Director
+41 21 642 76 43

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