

Thales Partners with the State of Georgia Department of Driver Services to Enhance Citizen Experience

发布时间:2025-02-07 11:12

Thales Enrollment Kiosks for credential issuance help the U.S. Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) improve their customer experience by making common services more accessible and reducing wait times in their Customer Service Center (CSC).
Citizens in Georgia may currently access DDS services (licenses renewal, change of address etc.) at 30 kiosks in 23 locations, with more kiosks expected throughout 2025.
Featuring a user-friendly touch-screen interface and automatic height adjustment, these Kiosks provide a quick and easy experience for all citizens. Thales is the industry leader in this field, having implemented over 1,700 enrollment kiosks worldwide, applying a "security by design" approach.

ATLANTA, Ga.--()--Through a partnership with the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS), Thales has successfully deployed inclusively designed enrollment kiosks for credential issuance at Georgia DDS Customer Service Centers locations. This user-friendly solution is designed to enhance the customer experience and free up staff time, bringing a new level of efficiency and convenience to DDS centers across the state.

The Thales Enrollment Kiosks offer Georgia citizens a safe and convenient new option for a variety of DDS services, including license renewals, obtaining driving history reports, and change of address transactions. The 30 kiosks are strategically placed across the state at 23 high volume CSC locations, providing Georgians with a quick, easy, and hassle-free way to manage their licensing needs.

"The introduction of Thales Enrollment Kiosks for credential issuance has significantly enhanced the customer experience at the Georgia Department of Driver Services. The implementation of this technology has improved staffing efficiencies, enabling our team to focus on providing personalized assistance where it's most needed. Overall, the Thales Kiosks have been a game-changer for both our customers and our staff." – Spencer R. Moore, Commissioner for Georgia Department of Driver Services.

Georgia DDS has already seen improvements to their operational efficiency for driver services by using these new self-service kiosks, further enhancing the customer experience. With Thales Kiosk implementations, a single Georgia DDS staff member can simultaneously manage multiple kiosks, enabling DDS staff to provide customized support and manage more complex inquiries, ultimately providing a higher quality of service for their citizens.

"We are thrilled to partner with the Georgia Department of Driver Services to introduce our advanced Self-Service Kiosks," said Tyson Moler, Vice President for Thales Identity and Biometric Solutions in North America. "These Kiosks represent a significant leap forward in delivering secure, fast, efficient, and convenient services to the citizens of Georgia. By streamlining routine transactions, we are also helping Georgia DDS optimize their resources and focus on delivering exceptional customer service."

About Thales

Thales (Euronext Paris: HO) is a global leader in advanced technologies within three domains: Defence & Security, Aeronautics & Space, and Digital Identity & Security. It develops products and solutions that help make the world safer, greener, and more inclusive.

The Group invests close to €4 billion a year in Research & Development, particularly in key areas such as quantum technologies, Edge computing, 6G and cybersecurity.

Thales has 81,000 employees in 68 countries. In 2023, the Group generated sales of €18.4 billion.

About Thales in the USA

In the United States, Thales has conducted significant research and development, manufacturing, and service capabilities for more than 130 years. Today, Thales has 37 locations around the U.S., employing nearly 5,000 people. Working closely with U.S. customers and local partners, Thales is able to meet the most complex requirements for every operating environment.


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Thales, Media Relations
North America
Jennifer Tumminio


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